耶鲁大学 开放课程 生物医学工程探索
About the Course
Thecourse covers basic concepts of biomedical engineering and theirconnection with the spectrum of human activity. It serves as anintroduction to the fundamental science and engineering on whichbiomedical engineering is based. Case studies of drugs and medicalproducts illustrate the product development-product testing cycle,patent protection, and FDA approval. It is designed for science andnon-science majors.
Course Structure:This Yale College course,taught on campus twice per week for 50 minutes, was recorded for OpenYale Courses in Spring 2008.
W.马克索尔兹曼是耶鲁大学化学和生物医学工程 Goizueta基金会教授。他的著作包括施药:药物治疗的工程原理和组织工程学原理:用于替换器官和组织的设计原理,他的许多文章刊登在Biomaterials和NatureMaterials上。作为生物医学工程系主任,教授索尔兹曼也是耶鲁大学,约翰霍普金斯,康奈尔大学,宾夕法尼亚大学这些高校杰出教学奖励的获得者。
About Professor W. Mark Saltzman
W.Mark Saltzman is the Goizueta Foundation Professor of Chemical andBiomedical Engineering at Yale University. His books include DrugDelivery: Engineering Principles for Drug Therapy and TissueEngineering: Engineering Principles for the Design of ReplacementOrgans and Tissues, and his articles have appeared in Biomaterials andNature Materials. The chair of the Department of BiomedicalEngineering, Professor Saltzman is also the recipient of numerousdistinguished teaching awards from Yale, Johns Hopkins, Cornell, andthe University of Pennsylvania.